Saturday, September 4, 2010

SNL - Paul Rudd - True Blood

1 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
Need I say more?

This totally has to happen!

I just watched the first two episodes and I keep waiting for Bill the vampire to break out in some comical monologue! LOL!

Maybe Justin Timberlake would be incorporated. Dance moves might be made. But hopefully the cast from Knocked Up wouldn't get involved, because that would just be TOO much.

Paul Rudd... rhymes with True Blood. Ooooh, and Stephen Moyer is so close to Stephenie Meyer, author of all the Twilight/Eclipse stuff.  Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrie!

I'd like to claim this post has been brought to you by the letter S, the number 3, and the paint fumes inhaled from exterior Behr Premium Plus Ultra Exterior Paint (but I haven't actually STARTED painting yet).

Let's see what kind of weird shit I come up with once I feel all sick and nasty from inhaling old sanded off paint, dog spit, dirt, and then new carginogen-chemical-filled paint in an only semi-arid garage.

SHOULD BE GOOD! Stay tuned my friends!

(This is what happens when BF leaves me on my own for too long....) Pin It Now!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Already One of THOSE Days

0 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
You know your day is not starting off on the right foot when your great dane hops on the bed (before your alarm clock goes off) and farts in your face. Intentionally. Well, I can only assume it was intentional.

Our special boy.

As my few followers know, I've been battling illness(es) since May of 2009, when I got food poisoning at a pizza place during mother's day dinner. Yes, nothing but the best for my mother. Somehow *I* chose the place, and Pizza Hut is apparently all my mom is worth. What a terrible daughter. Moving along....

(Don't worry, they aren't terminal... the illnesses I mean... or I suppose the restaurant, but I will never go back). Immediately after this meal, much gastrointestinal trauma ensued... for... well.... still.

This morning, once the alarm went off, I could just FEEL the awfulness in my body. Waking to extreme nausea is not fun (and it had seemed that the terrible-horrible worst of that had eased up on me in June-ish). And no, I am not pregnant.

For those of you who have never experienced the joy of nausea, imagine your worst hangover and how that made you feel. Now imagine feeling like that most mornings you wake up, coupled with no appetite, and that whole necessity of being able to function as an adult and that attending work thing.

Look at how lovingly she stares into that bowl. Perhaps she recently had a bathroom reno as well?

I am writing this post, trying to move as little as possible, waiting for my (expensive, super-duper strength) nausea medication to kick in.

One option. Not the particular medication I took today, though.

In my "trooper"-i-ness, I showered (managed to bang my head hard off of the new, very hard, ceramic tile in the shower), forced myself to have rice protein powder (then discovered the nearly straight, 10" trail of it down my once-clean white shirt), then decided an orange would help me absorb the iron I am so depleted of (and it ended up being all hard/crunchy and dried out on the inside.... please tell me I am not the only person this happens to).

Yellow airbrush is approximation of inedible, dry, gross part of orange. Remainder was barely edible.

Days like this make me fear more for my sanity. (I mean, c'mon, we all know it's teetering regularly).

Days like this make me fear for my job security. There are only so many emails and phone calls in to work that essentially say "Hi, yes, yes it is me again. I am feeling like that World Cup Goalie from England after missing that save, whilst being mocked by the world while feeling like I am going to barf up RICE PROTEIN POWDER while still recovering from the hurtful, fart-filled subliminal messages from my dog, while I take my medications and hope for the best. Flawed? Why, yes, I am thank you. Hope not to be too late. Will be there soon."

Some days I wish I could be like Paul Coffey in the Green Mile and just touch someone's hand so that they can feel what I feel and think what I think. Obviously only for a few seconds, wouldn't want to permanently eff them up or anything, but just to give them some understanding (and perhaps some credibility for myself).

Let's hope the day gets better from here. I am going to work now. I hope the nausea goes away. :-( Pin It Now!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bathroom is Done! Fo' Rizzle

7 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
Click on any picture to enlarge it, by the way.

My world is now complete. For this nanosecond.
Want to win the lottery? No thanks!
Want to be Oprah for a day? Nuh uh.
Looking for engagement? NAH!
A big white wedding with roses and overpriced bad-tasting cake? Nope!
Want to cure cancer? I would actually love to, but, well, TODAY....

the bathroom was finished. Life is complete. Towels are practically FLOATING in place on the wall with appropriate bars and hangers. It's like an entirely new dimension for me. I've been 'roughing it' since August 15... so, if you do the math, that's like FIVE WHOLE WEEKS. Or something.

Seriously! Can you contain yourself? Look at the muted, neutral hues... I bet you are so excited you won't be able to sleep tonight. And seriously - wrap your head around the fact that towel is staying in place RIGHT there, not draped on a door edge or sink - CRAZY!!!!!! ARGRHGHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! WOW!

Lights in the room I shower? F*ck ya, I got that.

And the demanding, whiny client (me) said "Let there be light!" and maybe even "I can't see my body parts to fully wash them, either". Ha!

A toilet paper holder roll (not a loose roll that moves its way around the sink on its own)? BOOYAH!
Hand for display purposes/effect only. NOTE: I was not on the can at the time. I swear.

Mirrors to watch the toothpaste spittle run down my chin (while winking at myself... "hey baby" *wink*) Come to Mama!!
How's THAT for a mirror!?! And it was from IKEA, so it only took me 40 hours to assemble, stain, glue and solder myself!

Doors that latch? Awwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea.  Mould-less grout? I ain't frontin'

A shower curtain rod I can reach? Hells yeah!
Crappy, illegible, not to scale comparison.

All this excitement is exhausting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SO remember how I was SO EXCITED to move all my stuff back in the cupboards, set up my toiletries, start using my hair tools again so I look (sorta) professional at work, and get this bad boy totally done?

Yeah, screw it, I'm totally going to bed. Pin It Now!