Friday, November 23, 2012

Dear Insomnia:

Dear Insomnia:

Piss off.


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  1. Yeah. Well. Good luck with that. My sleep patterns have been screwed ever since doing shift work many years ago.
    You probably know all the regular habits, don't eat before bed, exercise, blah blah blah.
    When I can't sleep I'll do at least one of two things after getting up out of bed so I don't piss my wife off. One is to make a list of all the things that are running around in my head like a squirrel on a wheel. The other is to do something semi-useful, but quiet, like leave cryptic comments on blogs, search for new blogs, read that book I've always been meaning to read.

    1. @Keith - I feel your pain on shift work. No worries on not exercising before bed, I've been a bloody slug lately. It's shameful.

      I should get up and write out what's on my mind. Solid advice - thank you.

  2. Brain! Stop thinking! You had sixteen hours to tell me your ideas and worries. NOW IS NOT THE TIME.

    1. @Leauxra - I KNOOOOOOOW, goddammit shut up brain!

      And then just when I am about to drift off (maybe), one of the dogs farts or something and I am jolted back awake. And the cycle repeats.


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