Friday, January 21, 2011

A Quick Apology & Award

33 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
In my infinite quest for mastering all things Google/Gmail/Blogger/Buzz, I managed to remove myself from many (if not ALL) of the blogs I had previously been "following".

So if you awoke one morning and were one less follower, and thought "what asshole disliked me enough to unfollow? Seriously? Who does that? I mean, the joy that "following" provides is so immense... a person could just "follow" and never come back if they wanted to, yet some asshole felt it necessary to "unfollow" me? WTF? Who does that? Seriously??... Really?? Seriously?"

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Why Does My House Smell Like Omelettes?

25 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!

Oh... probably because I played the Swedish Chef from the Muppets, and fried the shit out of some red onion, peppers and tomatoes... oh, and added some eggs, playing omelette chef today before I nearly missed the last GO Transit train into downtown Toronto.

Bork, bork, bork!

Nice to come home to a house that smells like the omelette-that-once-was (read: fried-freakin'-onions). Hey, at least the shizz stayed down.

Also? I successfully navigated the TTC (subway) and the GO Train home after a few Smirnoff Ices and some blue Vex lemonade-like sugar-drink (and the accompanying gut-rot). All while wearing an MP3 player and fearing every moving thing around me (like any good policeman's daughter would)!

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

For Scooby.

8 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!

(Click the link above if the player does not work on the blog page)

I've enabled comments, but please leave comments only about her or the video.
And if you leave a comment, actually WATCH the video.

Self-promoting comments, comments that clearly don't "get" my message, or comments indicating this was a "funny post" will be deleted.

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