Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Funny channel on YouTube

11 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!

Okay, so as I was trolling around reading as much as I could about KORNY2012 / KONY2012, I somehow stumbled upon this set of videos on YouTube.

[EDIT: I had no idea that Ellen already discovered this AND used one of the ones I posted here, dammit!! I clicked on the one of her name pronounciation just now Mar. 15/12, and saw the clip from her show. I will prefer, instead, to claim she retroactively copied my content. Okay, not really.]

I didn't realize they were posted by different owners at first.

You know, reasonable.


Then I found these.

I bet the original "pronunciationbook" is über-pissed at "PronunciationManual". I pity the poor person learning the English language who may not realize they ARE different.

Man, I needed that laugh.

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Monday, March 12, 2012

Top 10 Ways to Live On The Motherfracking Edge...

22 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!

The top 10 ways to live on the edge:

  1. Try driving through the public library parking lot on the first day of March break. Holymotherofgawd, children, watch where the hell you are walking!
  2. Stay up past 11pm, knowing full well your dogs will wake you 3 individual times at the crack of dawn due to newly formed separation anxiety (for your husband, and not you).
  3. Drink on a week night. (After the age of 30).
  4. Play Russian roulette with the 8 valid and 2 expired condoms in your bedside drawer, while in the dark.
  5. Hell, have sex in general.
  6. Be the envy of all your single friends when all conversations lead back to your two dogs. No matter the topic of conversation. Always dogs. ALWAYS DOGS. (Refer to #2).
  7. Put sheet glass out for bulk garbage pick up day, THE NIGHT BEFORE, giving the proverbial finger to all the teenage ne'er-do-wells that you know convene and wander your street.
  8. Attempt hot yoga without a towel, using only an acrylic sweater for sweat absorption.
  9. Ever attempt to do a shot of tequila (after the age of 19).
  10. Wait until February 29, 2012 to contribute to your RRSP.
Wow. I'm shaking just from writing that.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Skinny Girl Sangria

42 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
What's a girl to do when her foot might be the source of death for her?

Foot fetishists will be sorely disappointed. Also? Jesusf_ckingmotherofgod please stop bleeding, foot.


So I tried Skinny Girl Sangria for the first time tonight. No, it wasn't free. No, I'm not being paid to review it. I'm just sharing. 'Cause I kind of was suckered by the "skinny girl" part.

I'm drinking it now. My first thought was that it smelled kind of like cow poo... or something else I couldn't place. It feels almost thick like ice wine, but it's only supposed to have 110 calories per 125mL.

For those of you wondering, you don't mix it with anything, you just drink it as if it were a regular pre-made sangria. Which it is. But with a different kind of taste that I can't place.

It tastes reasonable. It has potassium sorbate and no sugar. It looks like thick apple juice. It has floaties in it. OH WAIT - NO, that's just because I re-used a glass that has Great Dane fur in it. My bad.

When I looked at the nutritional info when I was in the liquor store, I had no idea if that was even good, since most wine and other coolers don't print the calories. Or, well, if they do, I am too hammered to ever read the labels. I'd say it's worth trying once to see if you like it. We're not talking about Cristal here.

I'm drinking it, but I'm still overweight. Damn false advertising.

Based on the cost (I think I paid $15 for 750mL), it is decent enough, but I'd rather have red wine at full calories (which has to be comparable, but I am too goddamn lazy to Google that sh*t). Or get that lovely gut rot that comes with more than one Smirnoff Ice vodka cooler.

Okay, the nutritional info on the Skinnygirl website says it has 132 calories and 22.5 grams of carbs per 5 oz.

Also? The more I drink of it, the better it tastes, so don't trust a word I am saying.

It's nice for a change. And nice if you are trying to numb yourself to the realities of life and death.

You know, not to be dramatic.

Has anyone else tried this stuff, and if so, what did you think?

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