Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Disappearing Urge...?

3 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
The Disappearing Urge. I have to believe that we've all experienced it one time or another.


You are out somewhere utterly, totally and completely inconvenient when the urge strikes. It can begin subtly (but often doesn't). A small sensation, and you know what needs to happen (Stops by 00:00:45).

Easy right?


You are most likely:
  • In the middle of your presentation.
  • You have a full grocery cart of frozen vegetables.
  • You are walking your dog and are at the furthest point from home.
  • You are in a mosh pit.
  • You are on a wilderness hike.
  • You are on a building inspection that is time sensitive, or worse yet, on a swing stage 23 floors up.
  • You are in your car stuck in rush hour traffic.
  • You are at a critical plot revelation during an intense movie in the theatre, in the centre of a long row.
  • You are in a communal jail holding cell with a single shared toilet, and lots of people checking out your body. (This scenario is the most likely, I think).

Now, personally speaking from a year of essential stomach/GI paralysis, where things only ever came out if I was throwing up, you would think this would be a welcome brain/body-physiological message to someone like me. But no, trust me, it's not. I just think "Seriously??... Reeeally?..... Seriously? Right now? But... but...."

Pin It Now!

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Importance of Followers & Comments

2 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
I read on another blog how important it is for there to be commenting and active dialogue between the blogger and the readers, so that it isn't so much one-sided storytelling.

I hope that those of you who come across my blog will be kind enough to "follow" me (to the right)

*shameless self promotion*

so that I feel that more than just BF and my friend J. are watching and reading me out there in the scary, vast, lonely interwebs.

I welcome any and all comments (including but not limited to - "you're effing nuts", "where can I purchase my own banana guns?", any and all theories on dogs and their fascination with the taste sensation known as poop [technically called "Coprophagia"], why I am so wrong about Michael B., requests for all of my personal banking information an pin numbers as well as helping princesses and diplomats from abroad via email who only need a few thousand dollars up front to make me rich).

EDIT: I didn't realize that you previously had to be 'registered' to comment. I have fixed it so that any shy folk out there can feel free to comment anonymously. Just don't be mean please.

While I am CLEARLY new to the blogosphere (that sounds really web-geeky but I still won't backspace and delete it... because I am bada-.... lazy), any and all support you guys can provide is appreciated.

I would also like to stress the importance of not drinking caffeinated beverages right before bed time, especially if you are on a strict, caffeine-free diet. Because that will almost CERTAINLY result in insomnia, somewhat-desperate sounding appeals for blog followers, and potentially beating your highest score ever on Word Bubbles after many many many many attempts! (Which sounds kind of fun, but really isn't right now).

It's hard to be taken seriously on this blog with my stunning good looks....
Okay, time to try to pretend to sleep. Work is going to be painful tomorrow.... Pin It Now!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Dreaded Nudie Photo

0 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
Anyone ever accidentally taken an indecent photo (accidentally) then forgot to delete it/didn't realize it was there/download it to your work server?

Yeah, me neither, just checking.

She's just in a strapless dress, sticking her tongue out at you, correct?

Now Miley Cyrus on the other hand.... Pin It Now!