Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kijiji is a little terrifying.

14 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
For any of you who aren't cheapskates who like to avoid the hassles and bullshit that accompany trying to sell anything on eBay, I'd like to introduce Kijiji. The cheap bastard's way of posting classifieds.

I sold my old car on there once. It seems like an easy option. I mean - who reads the real newspaper anymore? I don't. (Then again I avoid all news for that matter, so maybe lots of folks read the paper and I am just incredibly out of touch...)

I just tried to post a wanted ad, and lo and behold the f_ckers deleted my ad. And it wasn't even because I was seeking this:

Never underestimate the power of punctuation. And my crazy, overtired imagination. (Anyone else picturing zombie babies? No? Just me?)

Kijiji and eBay just piss me off.

Oh, happy easter bunny crucifixion day, too. Don't want to be rude and overlook that.

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Songs That Move Me (3)

1 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
Just watched the Pearl Jam documentary "20".

Stay with me.
Let's just breathe.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

A wedding picture

19 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
Just because, dammit.

Best day of my life.

I find it so damn hard sometimes, but it is really important to focus on those happy memories, those wonderful moments in time, memories, things that make life worth living.

The things that are easily forgotten, but can pick you up and put a smile on your face.

This day (the whole day, except for the bitchy officiant) was one of those days. ALL DAY. Listened to our song today and cried happy tears.

Take a minute and think of a moment that makes you grin like a fool.

Tell me about it in the comments.

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