Monday, July 30, 2012

Classy Blogging

You know your blog is classic, classy and well written when people are arriving via Google Images after searching for "the+ass+band+will+play+a+song+of+farts+to+celebrate+your+failure".


I've made it. Big Time. Obviously.

Also? Cleaning your back yard of dog poop in the dark of night with a gardening shovel, plastic bag and flashlight is never a good idea, kids. NEVER.

Three items and two hands.

Keepin' it classy...

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  1. Speaking of classy, just in case you hadn't noticed. I had tagged you in my blog. I try not to think about the search terms people give Mrs. Google. Why do I call her that? Because she knows everything, and what she doesn't know she makes up through spurious associations.

    1. @Keith - I seem so out of place in that list, but I am very pleased to be there.

      And of course now you have to bear the embarrassment of some of your readers clicking through to yet another post where I mention dog poo. Hmmm. Sorry 'bout that one.

  2. I had one that said "Is there a narwhal in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer!" WTF?!! My friend and I did that one night but there is a burn next to her house so we just flung it in there, accidentally getting it in other people's gardens a few times...x

    1. @Althea - I get some pretty dark and twisted ones, too. It's like an eerie insight into the deviants of today.

      And I can only IMAGINE how disappointed they must be when they arrive here. lol.

  3. My number one most viewed post? Is it the comic? Is it the story about Christmas?

    Of course not.

    It's the one titled, "Boobs".

    Still classy. :)

    1. @Leauxra - Admittedly, "spandex ass" is one of the most common terms that brings someone here.

      Between my ass and your boobs, we're practically P0RN!

  4. Ha! Ya have to admit that's a pretty awesome way to search for your blog. :)

    1. @Hey Monkey Butt - If only all those visits were legitimate readers... *sigh*. What are your weirdest search terms?

  5. I have always thought of you as classy and awesome.

    1. @Mynx - Aw. Thanks... I put the "ass" in "class". ;)

  6. I'm so happy I don't have a dog right now. So happy.

    1. - Me too. Me to- oh.... wait...



      *slinks off to wash hands and flash light*

  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets traffic from really weird search results. One of these days I'm going to post my best ones. I was reading some of them to my daughter the other day and she says, "Gawd, mom! What the hell do you write about on your blog?!?"

    And now I know I can write anything I want about her because SHE DOESN'T READ IT! Mwah ha ha ha!


I get far too excited when new comments come in here...