Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dogs. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day One Cross Country Canada

12 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
So we started our trip cross country on Saturday.

I took a video log/vlog/video blog on day one to share with you guys, as I sat in the Bel-Air Motel in Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario.

Then, on days 2 and 3, shit got REAL.

So, here is day 1. [Better late than never edit, video contains some swears].

You may get a day 3.5 post, but probably not.


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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Oh. Hai.

12 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
So... yeah, I've been here.

Oh, shit, looks like Blogger ate my last two month's worth of every-other-day posting.

Geesh, how could that happen?

Didn't you guys notice? It's totally not that I have been actually NOT writing anything on the blog. No, that's just crazy talk. Crazy talk.

I mean, normally auto-draft comes in and saves everything, but... uh... Blogger totally ate the posts. Posts, I must say, that were the highest caliber of writing you could ever hope to see on these pages. Brilliance. Wit. You would have laughed. Cried. Stopped for a moment, holding yourself in the fetal position on the floor.

Also? I know this is shocking, but I am a super anxious person.
I know, I know. I bet you're floored.

Anyway, just been spending the last week researching cars and SUVs and flying dogs as cargo and generally not sleeping or eating... but most certainly losing my mind. You know, the usual.

After all the discussions, it came down to logistics:

Meet our new Great Dane-approved SUV. Also, please stop judging me, the other dog is just peeing. I thought I would refrain from adding dog poop to this post. But just this one.

So, yeah, I'm pretty sure my dogs are the most expensive dogs in the world. I hope they enjoy the tour of the Canadian countryside. They had damn well better, because I am guessing that me and the hubs won't be speaking to each other by day two.

We've got a wee drive ahead of us.

Thank goodness for satellite radio.

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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Now Flavoured With Bacon!

8 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
My aunt-in-law sent me this video and *I* think it is adorable... not sure if Feyoncé™ felt the same about it, but my parents got a kick out of it.

Anyway, here goes:


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