But it won't stop me from buying from you. And hating myself for it.
(Maybe it's my lack of self control/restraint that I hate? Noooo, no, it must be Wal-Mart).
Why is it that I can never - I REPEAT -
never ever leave you without spending a minimum of $50? I go in for spinach and laundry detergent and I leave with a cartful of shizz and I am typically $80-$120 poorer.
What's that you say? Just don't get a cart? I've tried that approach, and in the end my arms are totally overwhelmed, I am even crankier, and I ultimately have to grab a basket (that then becomes overfilled and exceptionally heavy) and balance all my crap until I give up and go to the checkout.
I just came from there. I went in for a dog/nose collar contraption that works for Schultz. It costs $8.94. I walked out of there with two bags and a charge of $56 on my handy dandy Visa.
I even promised myself that I would ONLY BUY THE DOG LEASH. But you know what I did?
I saw a bag of chips 'anniversary sale' priced. They were the yummy, super-salty wavy ones in the red bag, with questionable vegetable oil. They were the BIG size! They were only $2.50! It was 2:00pm and I hadn't eaten since 7am! My hunger won.
I opened those bad-boys up and started eating some in the store.
Sooooo not classy. If an employee saw me, they had the full and complete right to bitch-slap me right there for opening up greasy food and walking around their store. I am sure that if I had passed a mirror the sight would have been so repulsive I would have...
I digress.
I thought I wrote salty baldness for a second there.... Image Credit |
So I meandered to the FAR BACK CORNER of the store to get the dog thing. I saw a big thing of detergent on sale. I forged ahead (But the price is so good! You didn't get a cart, dumbass and
that thing is heavy! It says it is biodegradable after 90 years, that's good, right?! No - dog collar, dog collar, dog collar).
I may have weaved a path through the shoe department. Maybe, maybe not.
Of course I did.
And the funny thing? I didn't even want to look at shoes. I don't need any more shoes. At that moment (it was fleeting, no worries) I didn't even WANT shoes.
These blistery shoes turned me off shoes for, like, a week. It was that traumatizing. |
I made it to the pet section. It felt like a small victory. But folks, I had to turn around and make it allll the way back to the register.
That means I had to pass:
the stationary section (I've been needing a little foldy thing for receipts in my purse so I will just scroll every single aisle here to see if something could work.... nope, but oooh! Multiple-coloured pens on clearance! That seems like fun! Pens are fun!),
the glass food storage containers (I am always seeking out the latest clearance because I am becoming more and more afraid of plastic and leaching and health concerns by the day... and yes
I am crazy, thanks for asking),
coffee tables (my friend needs a new one and I thought maybe I could get her a cute little one, then I thought that she likely has nicer taste than wood laminate and that who the hell was I to try to design her living room for her because I have terrible taste and what was the rest of her decor anyway? Thus..... I moved on),
shower curtain stuff (we finally picked one out of the 82 that I purchased, but it needed a liner... so... did you know that Wal-Mart has a
shitload of liners? I perused and hummed, and might have even hahhed. Then bought 3 so
BF could choose which one he liked the best. I'm so sweet. Either sweet or irrationally indecisive).
And that is another post in itself.... I am a
buyer-with-the-full-intent-of-returning-at-least-one-of-something-after-shopping-if-not-more (sorry
♥ Vicki ♥, please don't hate my kind.. or... well, at least me. I always keep my receipt and never open the stuff!!).
So I left with chips, 3 shower curtain liners, multi-coloured pens, something else I've forgotten, and some other random thing. For $56.
Oh yeah, and the dog collar.
seriously really seriously blog
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