Sunday, June 10, 2012

I haven't abandoned the blog

8 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
Life has just thrown me a speedball.

Not the illicit substance kind, but the "holy shit I have to deal with something really huge in a really short period of time, no exceptions" kind of speed. And ball. Or balls.

Not a curve ball, since I knew this was a possibility, but more of a speed issue.

I haven't seen my friends, I haven't done anything fun (except for my birthday last weekend, that was a blast), I haven't blogged, I've read a few emails and sent a few quick messages on Facebook.

I've missed baby showers, concerts, enjoying the summer days.
But I am hoping it will all pay off in the end.

I shall return, sooner rather than later, so don't be nixing me from your blog rolls just yet.

And don't forget to tip a stripper. You know you want to.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The grossest potato chips ever

8 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
I may have posted this before.

I can't remember.

But... YUCK.

Found in London's Heathrow Airport - a peculiar combination that made my stomach flip.
Not in a good way.

Prawn image via Chronus on Deviant Art. Also? Lol and Eeeew.



The result?

I'm pretty sure sour cream and onion trumps "prawn" any day.

Grossest.Potato Chips.Ever.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

I ate Mozart's balls

9 COOOOOOMMENTS! Now you speak up!
It was my HUSBAND's idea! He's freaky like that, yo.

They were gluten-free. That was a nice surprise.

They smelled pretty good, too, which is quite a feat for the balls of a man who has been dead for 221 years.

How could I resist? Look at this face:

How seductive. Who knew that Mozzie had such bedroom eyes?

They came direct from Austria. I think. I didn't really listen to what was being said, I just started eating them with reckless abandon.

I can only imagine the number of folks who will be disappointed in this post.

Here, to make you feel better, I've included something shiny. (What?!? It always works for me!)

Come taste my balls. They have a subtle cherry flavour. No, really.

Not as amusing as Pete Schweddy balls, but it'll do, pig. It'll do. Happy Sunday.

My mouth is watering, just thinking about it.... BWAHAHAHA...
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